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Because entangled scandal President of Germany Will Resign

German President Christian Wulff will announce his resignation. Sources from within the coalition states, Wulff will submit his resignation in a speech on television this Friday.

Based sources received by AFP on Friday ( 2-17-2012 ), Wulff will announce his resignation after prosecutors demanded to revoke the immunity Wulff to investigate abuse of office. Wulff reported in the media have gained the advantage when he was serving head of government in the state of Lower Saxony.

Wulff came from the same party with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the Christian Democratic Union Party (CDU). Wulff will make a statement of resignation is in the Bellevue Palace in Berlin at 10:00 local time.

52  year  old Wulff was rocked by scandals and allegations since mid  December as it has a connection with a wealthy businessman. Wulff then facing a lawsuit because he was trying to cover up the story, and reports he had received a free vacation from a friend.

Wulff was highlighted when the Bild newspaper reported that he failed to pay pinjamam of U.S. $ 660,000 house with a very favorable rate of interest which he received in 2008 while serving as prime minister of Lower Saxony