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Merger The process of continent of Asia American

In the past, about 250 million years ago, there was only one continent, called "Super Continent", Pangaea. He then split into several continents or plates that spread throughout the Earth's surface. @

Like a puzzle, continents spread it will return echoes themselves, 50 to 200 million years. One of them, America and Asia, a new continent called Amasia.

Is a team of scientists at Yale University, the United States to examine the potential of the continents were reunited in the science journal, Nature.

The question, how the process of forming the super continent, ?The merger has become a matter of debate how the scientists for years.

Previously there were two competing theories. The first is called ekstroversion, stating Pangaea split into a number of continents, like North America , ?separated from each other, and one day will membentuki Amasia, on the other side of the world. Another model, called introversion, predicting that it will slow shift, and finally shed a large continent in the same location, where the Pangaea existed.

More recently a team of scientists from Yale ?University, United States offers a new model, of how the super continent formed. By measuring the magnetic power of ancient geological samples, the scientists speculate that the new super continent "Amasia" is not formed at the equator, but around the North Pole.

Geologist from Yale, Ross Mitchell and his colleagues collected a variety of geological samples and measuring the magnetic orientation. To find out, how the rock align themselves with Earth's magnetic poles.

Minerals would lose their ability to align with the Earth's ?magnetic at a certain temperature, called Curie temperature - about 1,400 degrees Fahrenheit. However, there are a number of rocks that form in extreme temperatures, until the temperature dropped to below the Curie temperature. Thus magnetic alignments to be locked in place.

The Yale team also examined samples of ancient rocks, of various ages. Since all the rocks on the earth's poles will be oriented, they can relate the change in line with the movement of continents. They then use this information to build a new model of how the ?supercontinent formed.
The new theory, orthoversi stated that the continent will move to the North Pole, not towards the equator, or return to their starting point. Amasia be tilted position 90 degrees from where Pangea was first