Fast food and unhealthy lifestyles are often blamed as the cause of obesity and diabetes. However, there are other causes are more common, but hidden so far.
A chemical that is widely used in plastics and packaging food, Bisphenol A (BPA), is associated with cancer risk. Apparently, these substances can affect weight gain and diabetes.
The researchers showed that even small doses can trigger chemical reactions in the body's signal that scrambles the hormones.
A report published in the journal PLoS ONE shows that BPA is a chemical fertilizer, paper, plastic bottles of water to be able to fool the body to create more fat.
In addition, BPA also increases production of insulin, the hormone that regulates fat and carbohydrates in the body. When the body produces too much insulin, your body will become immune. The impact will increase the weight and type 2 diabetes.
Nadal's team found that a quarter of a billion grams of BPA enough to trigger chaos in the body's hormones.
Various studies also link BPA to breast and prostate cancer. While other studies refer to BPA affects brain function in laboratory mice. 2009 study on factory workers in China showed that those who worked at the plant quadrupled BPA reported erectile dysfunction and decreased sexual desire compared to workers without a high exposure to BPA.
Nadal also from studies estimate that 90 percent of people worldwide have high levels of BPA higher than the threshold. This is because the use of BPA as a very broad, ranging from toilet paper, paper bags to the supermarket.
Although the industry said that BPA is safe for health, Nadal confirmed exposure to BPA is dangerous, especially in pregnant women and fetuses. "The fetus is not only exposed to BPA but also a high insulin level makes the mother the fetus is not a healthy environment.