Busy with office jobs, child care or housework are the things that make a person susceptible to stress. The more often you are in an uncomfortable situation, it is not likely this will affect your health condition.
"When you repeatedly experience stress, your nervous system is still tense. Even small levels of stress can make you feel overwhelmed," said Dr. Henry Emmons, who is also the author of The Chemistry of Calm.
1. Recognize the signs
The best way to manage stress is to recognize early symptoms. But it is difficult to detect, because the signals are shown in the body is very smooth. "People often do not realize that stress affects sleep quality. You might be able to sleep for eight hours, but it's hard to get quality sleep, so you continue to feel tired," said Dr. Emmons.
To detect it, take a few minutes each day to reflect changes in health habits or anything that has happened to you that may be triggered due to anxiety.
2. Divert the mind
When a person feels tense or depressed, their minds may be kept pressed to replay the mistakes that have been done. Emmons suggested to change the focus of attention to the body instead. How do I? Find a quiet place to sit and make the mind relax. Then, take a deep breath in through the diaphragm, and exhale slowly through your mouth.
This is an effective way to help calm your nervous system. "You can even practice breathing when not under stress, so you know exactly what breathing techniques to calm your mind," said Emmons.
3. Physical activity
Stress is the reason that quite often used by many people for not exercising. And with physical activity, levels of stress hormones in the body can be balanced, Emmons said. Do activities you enjoy your sport, like cycling, swimming or jogging.
4. Healthy Snacking
When the stress came, people generally tend to want to eat light meals or snacks. Sweet snack can trigger a spike in blood glucose, so that makes you feel more anxious. For more healthy snack, you can replace it with fresh strawberries mixed into dark chocolate sauce. Why? Because, strawberries are high in vitamin C can reduce the stress caused by free radicals. While dark chocolate helps reduce stress hormones (like cortisol) in the body. Alternatively, you can eat carrots or celery sticks.
5. Phone a friend
Spending time with friends helps your body to pump out the hormone oxytocin, making the body feel better. Take time regularly gather with friends or companions, will make you feel better.
6. Hit the streets
Only a breath of fresh air can improve your outlook, helps you handle difficult situations more calmly. Go to a park near the house and inhaling the fragrance of flowers is enough to make the mind calm. Research shows that certain smell (like lavender) can help reset the body's immune system to normal levels.
7. Prepare yourself to sleep
Lack of sleep just makes you feel more anxious. To overcome this, grab a book and a pen and write down every negative thought that pops into your head, says Sue Patton Thoele, a renowned psychotherapist and author. In this way according to Patton's counterintuitive, but by noting the number of complaints on paper, enough to help reduce the burden of thought.