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Substitute food supplements in the Morning

Want to know what kind of food that can make you a super energy in the morning. Some of us may still rely on supplements or multivitamins. But this is not 100 percent working fine as expected.

Some of these foods can be a source of energy is best for you.

1. Greens
Eating enough green vegetables once a day to get a balanced energy. Spinach, broccoli, or collards. However, note also how to cook, this vegetable is best if consumed raw or steamed just alone. Not on the cob. This is to avoid the erosion of vitamin A, C, and K, iron, calcium, and folate in leafy green vegetables.
Compare the effect with the supplements you take? Provide much more energy.

2. Juice
Compared to the purchase price of a bottle of multivitamins with hundreds of thousands, it's better to invest your money to buy a juicer. You can make a fresh fruit or vegetable juice every morning.
Add the garlic juice, it sounds weird, let alone taste. But garlic can prevent the disease because it is the antibiotics.

Sex Position For Pregnant Fast

Intimate relationship that led to pregnancy for many couples it is not difficult. But there is also the wife who experienced pregnancy did not come, despite having sex without contraception, for various reasons.

In some circumstances, it needs a special trick to buffer fertilization occurs. Best sex positions to get pregnant is when a sperm cell is at a distance closest to the cervix.

This relates to the sperm cells and egg cells. Since its release, the egg only lasts 24 hours, while sperm cells survive in the female body 3-5 days.

Although still being debated, is estimated to affect sex positions sperm velocity reaches the uterus. Hips are also positioned in such a way was allegedly able to collect semen as long as possible.

When you want to have a baby soon, consider the following positions :